Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where Are All the Lovers?

A strawberry for all lovers

Having had a series of conversations about potential mates with people of various ages and races, I decided that I would finally write about it. Now, it would seem that most people meet their romantic interests in college or (more likely) at work, but when both of these venerated institutions/vocations fail in the love department, where is a naive soul to go?

According to one co-worker, (we'll call her Young Twenty-Something or YTS, for short), one meets people during happy hours at bars around the city. Given the slightly rotten quality of her encounters, however, YTS is beginning to rethink this strategy. Although I am not a big fan of meeting people at bars, and really only reserve this fraternizing venue for people I know very well, I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. After all, if all bar people were sleazy, and you yourself frequent them, then what does that say about you?

Thus, I consulted another friend--Young, Musically-Inclined Male (YMIM)--who told me about the book The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. Clearly a doctorate in business administration knows where to go to get the "goods," and those places are: 1) The Church and 2) Classes. I'm not even going to touch the first idea with a ten-foot pole, particularly if you're going there with the sole intent of getting lucky.

The other possibility is to take a class. Or, like one woman in Stanley's book, pretend to study at the medical school library and bait yourself a doctor husband. I'm serious. She was smart, pretty, ambitious, and looking to get her MBA until she "happened" to meet a doctor while studying at the library, promptly giving up her education to throw outrageously amazing tupperware parties. Could this method work for me? I will be studying there too! But as I am informed, men will actually run away :*(**

Reaching the end of the line, I finally consult a social Mother-of-Three (MOTHR). Apparently one can find many good prospects on public transportation such as the metro and bus. I don't know about you, but I have never spoken to strangers on the train before. Most of the gregarious ones seem to be rather crazy, but who knows? Perhaps I'm being too hasty.

So in the end, the best way to meet a potential "friend" is to frequent bars in a highly religious town while taking MBA classes and metro-ing it in to work.

Other suggestions?


Michael Dausch said...

love finds you.

laflautiste said...

are you far-sighted? why are you searching for lovers when i'm right here?!